Translations and more
Syntax is at home with all the world’s common business languages. What’s more, we’ve given our comprehensive set of language services a modular structure, precision tuned to the individual demands and preferences of our customers. Those services are defined by maximum efficiency, top quality and absolute discretion.
Core competencies
When it comes to language management, no matter what your strategy and requirements happen to be: at Syntax, you choose the process that’s exactly right for you – from personal contact and dialogue, through to system-supported connectivity.

Quality is a commitment: certification of the company in line with the international ISO 9001 standard is proof of the priority that Syntax gives to quality and quality assurance. Even stronger affirmation comes from the positive feedback that Syntax receives from the marketplace: above-average customer satisfaction is the logical result of our ongoing commitment to quality in all areas.
Price models
As your source texts, preferences and requirements differ, so do the price categories that apply to our services. Our charges are based on working time and/or a standard line count, or derived from set-fee and retainer agreements.

What we appreciate most about Syntax is collaborating on an equal footing, with personal interaction and reliability. We can state our needs and together define the service that suits us best. It’s important to us to be able to work with selected translators on a regular basis, with whom we can then expand our terminology. We also prefer working with a Swiss SME.